Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Aaaannnd, We're back

Yes, there is a missing 10 weeks back thre, and yes, we're in the middle of a new set of 10, which will conclude our third volume of 10 week cycles. It's been a ride, and for those who know what I've been up to, you can understand why I haven't been as diligent in the past couple of months as I should have/could have in keeping this project currently posted.

Here's the bottom line:

PeaceCorps has removed my last legal hold and has been trying to place me for the past two weeks.

I am once again living without home, as I have moved out of my second ex-wife's apartment and will be moving from offices to guest homes over the month of May.

I have about four weeks to raise the last $2000 I'll need to settle my last account. That's how much I'm short after my paychecks come in. Windfalls, loans, tax rebates, and general answers to prayer are much being looked forward to. This debt must be settled, by agreement with the creditor, by the end of May. Also, PeaceCorps needs proof of the settlement before they let me leave the country.

For those who are interested, I am sharing an apartment with Uncle until the end of the week. I'm teaching him how to use the computer to get BBC News broadcasts in Urdu so he can follow current events in Pakistan. He's very cute, in a lethal, I hope he doesn't snap any minute kind of way.

Everything else worth talking about is something of a roadside attraction to where I'm at right now, and worth going back as amusing anecdotes warrant, but you won't need to go there to know where I'm at, and it's only incidental to know where I've been.

With that said, I'm likely to be cleaning this blog out in the near future and restyling it to be a little more flexible to meet the needs of my writing, thinking, and lifestyle.

Thank you all for your support on the journey this far. Stay tuned for more to come.

